Family childcare providers offer an alternative for families needing full, part-day, or hourly care. The program is a childcare option provided in homes on a post by authorized military family members and qualified civilians working as independent contractors. According to Sara Hendrix, Fort Leonard Wood Family Child Care director, the FCC has unique qualities that make it a preferred choice for the military.
Department of Defense civilian families. Hendrix said she is passionate about helping others start their own FCC home business due to the shortage of child care on the post. The FCC is valuable to service members who need child care for hours outside of normal operating hours. Extended hours are not only available for mission-related schedules but also free for families who qualify,” Hendrix.
Hendrix added, “The program is valuable for children who need a smaller environment to thrive while promoting continuity of care for the children enrolled by allowing them to stay with one caregiver in the same environment as they transition through different stages of development. FCC is also valuable to military spouses who are looking for a portable career that pays for credentials such as a Child Development Associate and National
Accreditation,” she said. Madison Bosanko, the military spouse, has operated her own FCC on Fort Leonard Wood since April 2015. She said it took her approximately four months to be fully certified to open her childcare business. Bosanko cares for six children and normally has them from eight to 12 hours daily. She occasionally has children for up to 24 hours in extended care, which is extremely helpful to military families.
I chose to do FCC to stay home with my son until he started kindergarten. My FCC business allowed me to stay home while being able to provide income for my family,” she said. Bosanko said she would recommend this career to anyone who loves children.
Bosanko added that she had to complete multiple classes, including First Aid, Fire Safety, Administration of Medicine, Child Abuse, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. She develops her lesson plans for the children’s daily activities and is required to pass home inspections. Bosanko says it’s a rewarding job because she knows she’s making a difference for numerous parents and their children.
Hendrix said they are currently looking for additional FCC providers and encourages those interested to attend one of the monthly FCC briefings held the second Monday of every month from 9 to 11 a.m. in the Family Child Care office, 13486 Replacement Ave., Building 470, Room 1125. Applicants are welcome to bring their spouses to the briefing.